To get the hash in Perl ,
print scalar keys(%hash);
The out put will be as follows:
To get the hash in Perl ,
print scalar keys(%hash);
The out put will be as follows:
It’s as follows:
sub replace
return $string;
It should be called as follows:
print &replace($to_be_changed_from,$change_it_to,$full_string)
To compress a file in Perl, it’s better to use the gzip method. For that we can use the module use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ;.
use IO::Compress::Gzip qw(gzip $GzipError) ;
my $input="new.pdf";
my $output="new1.pdf.gz";
gzip $input => $output or die "gzip failed: $GzipError\n";
One of the strengths of PHP when it comes to arrays is considered to be the in_array function (, this function takes two parameters; the array and the item to be searched in the array and then returns a boolean result whether the item exists in the array. Perl inherently lacks this functionality, even popular Perl modules like List::Util lack such a function/method.
As it was said by Plato once, “Necessity… the mother of invention.”, I required to check whether a name existed in an array, bored by using conventional method of iterating the array every time I need to check, I wrote a simple sub-routine to get the job done.
This sub-routine take two arguments, a reference to the array to be searched, and the item that needs to be searched. Simple enough the sub-routine works like magic, even my friend have found it very useful. I thought may be someone might find it useful, here’s it, take a look.
sub in_array
my ($arr,$search_for) = @_;
my %items = map {$_ => 1} @$arr; # create a hash out of the array values
return (exists($items{$search_for}))?1:0;
my @arr = ('Manu','Pradeep','Shency','Shabbir');
sub in_array
my ($arr,$search_for) = @_;
my %items = map {$_ => 1} @$arr;
return (exists($items{$search_for}))?1:0;
if(in_array(\@arr,'Manu '))
print "Hurray! Manu you are in!!\n";
print "Ooops! Amlan you are out!!\n";
Hurray! Manu you are in!!
We can generate an excel using the module Spreadsheet::WriteExcel.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
use DBI;
use Data::Dumper;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;
use vars qw(%GLOBALS %GLOB $dbh $q);
$q = new CGI;
my $time=time();
# Create a new workbook called simple.xls and add a worksheet.
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("$time.xls");
my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet();
for(my $i=0;$i<10;$i++)
my %font = (
font => 'Arial',
size => 12,
color => 'blue',
bold => 1,
align => 'center',
valign => 'vcenter'
$format_bold_ul = $workbook->add_format(%font);
for(my $j=0;$j<6;$j++)
$worksheet->write($i, $j, qq{$i - $j}, $format_bold_ul);
For more details go to
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