Category Archives: PHP Scripts

It contains PHP Scripts that I learn newly.

How can we redeclare a class safely in PHP?

Basically PHP doesn’t allow re-declare a class directly. If you are in need to get re-declare a class in php, then I suggest you to write that class in a separate file and use require_one to call that file to the desired page. It’s as follows:


class abcd
    function max()
        echo "Hello World!!! count:-".$GLOBALS['x'];


      require_once "Page1.php";
      $myclass = new abcd();

Now it will work as you desired. It worked for me.

The output will be as follows :

 Hello World!!! count:- 0
 Hello World!!! count:- 1
 Hello World!!! count:- 2
 Hello World!!! count:- 3
 Hello World!!! count:- 4
 Hello World!!! count:- 5
 Hello World!!! count:- 6
 Hello World!!! count:- 7
 Hello World!!! count:- 8
 Hello World!!! count:- 9

How to split a group of numbers to an array in PHP?

To split a number 187954 to an array as follows:

          echo $y[0]."<br/>";  //1
          echo $y[1]."<br/>";  //8
          echo $y[2]."<br/>";  //7
          echo $y[3]."<br/>";  //9
          echo $y[4]."<br/>";  //5
          echo $y[5]."<br/>";  //4

The Output will be as follows:


Advanced mail sending method in PHP

It’s as follows :

Page 1:config.php
class mymailer
        function mysendmail($from,$to,$subject='sub',$body='msg',$content_type='text/html',$auth=true,$host=MAIL_HOST,$username=MAIL_USERNAME,$password=MAIL_PASSWORD)
            require_once "Mail.php";   //you should install PEAR::Mail module in your server
            $headers = array ('From' => $from,
                'To' => $to,
                'Subject' => $subject,
            $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp',
                array ('host' => $host,
                'auth' => $auth,
                'username' => $username,
                'password' => $password)
            $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers,$body);
            if (PEAR::isError($mail))
                //return $mail->getMessage();
                return 'F';
                return 'S';

You can call this class as :

Page 2: mail_sending_page.php
require_once "config.php";
$subject="My Mail Subject";
$body="This is the body of this mail. Your content goes here.";
$mails=new mymailer;

How to get array length in php?

It’s as follows :-

$a[0] = 1;
$a[1] = 3;
$a[2] = 5;
$result = count($a);       //we get the length of array here.

PHP class to generatre UUID

It can be written as follows :-

    class uuidgen
        function uuid($serverID=1)
            $t=explode(" ",microtime());
            return sprintf( '%04x-%08s-%08s-%04s-%04x%04x',
                substr("00000000".dechex($t[1]),-8),   // get 8HEX of unixtime
                substr("0000".dechex(round($t[0]*65536)),-4), // get 4HEX of microtime
                mt_rand(0,0xffff), mt_rand(0,0xffff));
        function uuidDecode($uuid)
            return $rez;
        function clientIPToHex($ip="")
            $part=explode('.', $ip);
            for ($i=0; $i<=count($part)-1; $i++)
            return $hex;
        function clientIPFromHex($hex)
            return $ip;

To get uuid call the class as follows :-

echo $x